Final Fantasy 6 Remake
Image: Push Square

Yoshinori Kitase, who worked on the original Final Fantasy 6 as a director, made headlines a couple of months back when he revealed that other Square Enix employees keep asking him about a potential remake of the classic RPG. At the time, Kitase admitted that remaking such an old title would be "difficult", but that hasn't stopped him from bringing up his beloved Final Fantasy 6 again.

During a recent developer roundtable, Kitase signs off by urging everyone not to forget Final Fantasy 6. He rather cheekily says: "Working on the [early Final Fantasy games] was great fun and I'd just like to push Final Fantasy 6 again!"

For Kitase to bring the game back into spotlight, we have to wonder whether the Square Enix veteran really is pushing for some kind of revival. We obviously got the Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster in April — which is great — but a full-on remake would be next level. Final Fantasy 6, after all, is one of the most highly regarded instalments in the series — and it's the best Final Fantasy game, according to our user-rated list.

Would you like to see Kitase get the greenlight to explore a remake of Final Fantasy 6? Wold you want a remake? Be sure to join up with the Returners in the comments section below.
